A higher standard
Peak Comfort, Year-Round.

Your Professional residential and commercial HVAC services provider, serving El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento, Sutter, and Yuba Counties.


April Showers Bring HVAC Powers

As April arrives, bringing with it the promise of warmer days and occasional showers, it's essential to ensure your HVAC system is ready to handle the changing weather. At Alpine Heating and Air, we're dedicated to keeping you comfortable year-round. Here are some key updates and tips for this month:

1. Spring Cleaning for Your HVAC System: April is the perfect time to give your HVAC system some extra attention. Schedule a thorough cleaning of your air filters, vents, and ductwork to remove dust, pollen, and debris that may have accumulated over the winter months. This simple maintenance task can improve indoor air quality and system efficiency.

2. Check Your Thermostat Settings: With temperatures fluctuating between cool mornings and warmer afternoons, it's essential to adjust your thermostat settings accordingly. Consider programming your thermostat to accommodate these changes, ensuring optimal comfort and energy efficiency throughout the day.

3. Schedule Professional Maintenance:

Don’t forget to schedule your annual HVAC maintenance appointment with Alpine Heating and Air. Our experienced technicians will perform a comprehensive inspection of your system, identify any potential issues, and ensure everything is running smoothly for the upcoming summer season.

4. Prepare for Allergens:

As spring blooms, so does pollen and other allergens. Make sure your HVAC system’s air filters are clean and replace them if necessary to help reduce allergens circulating in your home. Consider upgrading to high-efficiency filters for improved air quality.

5. Consider Indoor Air Quality Solutions:

Investing in indoor air quality solutions, such as air purifiers or UV germicidal lamps, can further enhance the cleanliness and comfort of your home. These systems can help eliminate airborne contaminants and reduce the risk of respiratory issues.

As we embrace the arrival of spring, let Alpine Heating and Air be your trusted partner in HVAC care. From routine maintenance to indoor air quality solutions, we’re here to ensure your comfort and well-being all year long.

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